Burress Injury Law
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Lewisville Personal Injury Attorney

Attorney for Personal Injuries Suffered in Denton County

Another party was careless about your personal safety, and now you are injured. It may have been a reckless or drunk driver, a restaurant owner who allowed spills to sit on the floor for too long, or even a manufacturing company that put a defective product on the market. The fact is that if you were harmed due to another party's negligence, they may owe you compensation. The goal of compensation in personal injury cases is to make up for all your expenses and financial losses associated with the accident, in addition to often providing you with extra funds to address non-economic losses such as physical pain and psychological harm.

Burress Injury Law is highly experienced in handling all types of personal injury cases, and we have been very successful in recovering compensation for our clients. Our dedicated team of personal injury lawyers can help with a wide variety of cases involving accidents and wrongful death, and we have a success rate that exceeds 99.9 percent. We find that there are very few accidents that are truly no one's fault. The vast majority of accidents that leave people injured happen because someone was careless. Our goal is to ensure that you recover everything you are entitled to under the law.

Lewisville Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury and wrongful death in Texas. Types of motor vehicle accidents we can represent you for include:

By reaching out to us within one week of being injured in a car or truck wreck, you can make sure the proper steps are taken to recover the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys are prepared to negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf and counter any tactics they may use to limit the amount of coverage they pay out. With our help, you can ensure that you will be able to maximize the compensation you receive.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits

The worst outcome of a careless accident is a human fatality. In Texas, if one of your immediate family members lost their life due to another party's negligence, you may be eligible for substantial compensation. Compensation in wrongful death cases can include final expenses for a person's funeral and burial, replacement of your loved one's lost future income, and compensation for non-economic losses such as grief, sorrow, and the loss of companionship with a close family member.

Defective Products Accidents

Products liability law says that when a company carelessly introduces a product that is dangerously defective to the general public, it can be held accountable when its product injures someone. There are several different types of product defects, including design defects, manufacturing defects, and failure to provide adequate safety warnings. Defective auto parts are exceptionally dangerous, as they can lead to crashes that injure numerous people at once. Our lawyers can help hold companies responsible for failing to protect people from dangerous products.

Representation in Dangerous Premises Lawsuits

When you enter an establishment that is open to the public, like a grocery store or a public swimming pool, you should be able to expect that the premises are reasonably safe for you. If you encounter a dangerous condition that leads to you or your child getting hurt, you may be entitled to compensation. Common types of premises liability lawsuits include slip-and-falls, swimming pool accidents, and staircase falls due to poor lighting or missing handrails.

Catastrophic Injuries

A catastrophic injury is a life-altering and permanent injury. Traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries leading to paralysis are both examples of bodily harm that can drastically affect a victim's health and well-being. If you will likely require lifelong care due to your injury, you should consider your injury to be catastrophic. The compensation in these cases should cover your future care and loss of income, among other expenses and losses.

Contact a Lewisville, TX, Personal Injury Lawyer

Burress Injury Law will fight for you to receive the full amount of compensation you deserve after suffering a personal injury. Our dedicated team of Denton County personal injury lawyers will do all we can to ensure that you will have the funding you need to treat your injuries and enjoy a stable lifestyle going forward or until you are fully recovered. Contact us at 214-726-0016 for a complimentary consultation.

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