Burress Injury Law
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18-Wheeler Mild TBI/Neck Fusion


18-Wheeler Fatality Case


Minor Traumatic Brain Injury


Minor Traumatic Brain Injury


Multiple Orthopedic Injuries


Traumatic Brain Injury

case results

We Will Fight For You

Our attorneys know how to get results for clients who have suffered serious injuries. We have secured millions of dollars in compensation for injury victims.


Case Results

Below are several recent examples of results we have obtained on behalf of our personal injury clients:

Note: In each of these cases, our law firm paid all costs associated with bringing the case to a settlement or jury verdict upfront. We were reimbursed from the proceeds of the settlement or jury verdict. Had we been unsuccessful, our clients would not have owed any money to our firm.

"It's not often you get to watch a friend of 25 years shine in their workplace. Jason Burress and his team at Burress Injury Law represented Laney in a civil matter from a rear end collision in Nov 2019. This collision has left Laney with debilitating issues that she will continue deal with for at least a couple more years… possibly a lifetime.

Jason's team helped get Laney awarded a verdict that was over 13x larger than the original insurance settlement offer, which wouldn't have paid half of the previous medical bills. This verdict will assist in covering the incredibly expensive upcoming medical expenses, many of which will not be covered under insurance.

Jason, you have been in Laney's life since day 1, literally. I'm incredibly proud of the attorney you are. The performance you, Kyle, Trish & Josh put on in court this week was inspiring and like something out of a movie. We couldn't be more thankful!

If you are ever in need of a personal injury lawyer, I wouldn't hesitate to refer you to our attorney and personal friend, Jason. He will fight for you the same way he fought for Laney."

Burress Injury Law wins UIM trial for clients against Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

verdicts verdicts

Our clients (a husband and wife) were involved in a minor rear end impact in Frisco. They declined treatment at the scene but went to CareNow the following day and were diagnosed with neck and back sprains and strains. Ultimately, MRIs revealed 1 mm disc protrusions for which they received a moderate amount of medical treatment over the next 3 months.

Prior to filing a lawsuit, Geico (the at fault driver’s insurance co.) offered $21,783.88. We filed suit and worked through the litigation process, ultimately forcing Geico to offer the entirety of its $100,001 policy.

We then made a demand to our clients’ own insurance company (Liberty Mutual), but Liberty declined to offer any settlement offer, stating “the insureds have been fully compensated by Geico.” Therefore, we sued Liberty Mutual on behalf of our clients. At mediation, Liberty Mutual offered our clients/its insureds $1,000 each. Therefore, we proceeded to trial.

We tried the case before Judge Barnett Walker in Collin County Court at Law No. 2. Judge Walker did an excellent job presiding over the trial. The jury returned a verdict in the amount of $304,785.14, sending a strong message to insurance companies that Collin County juries can, in fact, deliver justice to car crash victims in non-catastrophic cases. The $304,785.14 verdict is in addition to the $105,000.00 recovered on behalf of our clients from the at fault party’s insurance company ($100,000.00) and personal injury protection proceeds ($5,000.00).

The team at Burress Injury Law is grateful for our terrific clients, doctors and expert, judge and court staff, and opposing counsel.

Settlement: $6,000,000

Injuries: Mild-classified traumatic brain injury and neck injury requiring a spinal fusion.

Case Description: Jason K. Burress and Kyle H. Dreyer recently settled a $6,000,000 18-wheeler accident case at the pre-trial hearing, providing much-needed compensation for their client, who suffered a mild-classified traumatic brain injury and neck injury requiring a spinal fusion. During this hotly litigated case, our team proved the 18-wheeler driver not only was distracted, but that he also was breaking company policy. We also proved that the trucking company failed to adequately train and supervise its truck driver, which proximately caused the accident and our client’s injuries.

Trial Result – $350,000.00


Burress Injury Law scores overwhelming victory in a Collin County trial on behalf of a McKinney Police Officer who was injured in a collision with a driver who had a suspended license. On the third day of trial, before closing arguments, Allstate (insurance company for Defendants) offered to pay 40% more than its insurance policy limits. The result is almost 8 times the amount Allstate offered our client before trial.

On November 15, 2021, Burress Injury Law tried a personal injury case for a McKinney Motor Police Officer against two Allstate insured Defendants in Collin County.

On May 13, 2020, our client (42), who is a motorcycle officer for the McKinney Police Department, was headed home after work on his police issued Harley Davidson motorcycle. The Defendant driver was operating a pickup towing a gooseneck trailer in front of him. The driver missed his intended turn into a gas station, stopped in the roadway and began to back up, striking the motor officer who was stopped behind him. There was minimal visual damage to the motorcycle.

The officer was walking around at the scene (captured by his body cam) and stating he was okay, but also complained that his hip was hurting. He was eventually transported to the hospital, received x-rays and was released a few hours later with a diagnosis of right hip and forearm contusions. Back and neck pain developed over the next few days and these became his primary symptoms. He had 4 visits with the orthopedist, 2 MRI's (the lumbar MRI showed an acute 2 mm disc protrusion and the cervical MRI showed a chronic disc extrusion). Our client underwent physical therapy and was released after 2.5 months of treatment. In both the hospital and orthopedic records, our client reported a prior medical history of herniated discs in his neck and back.

Our client did not treat from late July 2020 until September 29, 2021, at which point he went back to his orthopedist for continuing low back pain. He underwent another round of physical therapy, which he reported was unsuccessful. After the discovery deadline, the orthopedist's last visit report stated that he should consider ESI and Facet injections.

We sued the driver (who had a suspended license) and the owner of the vehicle for negligent entrustment of his vehicle to an unlicensed driver, and alleged gross negligence against both Defendants.

On the third day of trial, before closing arguments, Allstate offered $350,000.00 to resolve the case. This result was significantly more than the Allstate insurance policy at issue and almost 8 times the amount of Allstate's settlement offer.

Trial Verdict – $153,200 (Judgment with interests in costs exceeds $160,000) in an auto crash involving a 15-year old minor.


On September 22, 2021, Burress Injury Law earned a Stowers verdict (verdict more than the insurance policy) against a Progressive insured in Collin County Court at Law No. 3.

Our 6-person jury returned a verdict more than 13 times the amount of the insurance company's initial offer. The verdict, which was almost 7 times the amount of our client's medical expenses, exceeded the insurance policy by more than 50%.

"The jury's verdict will allow for our client, a minor child, and her family to receive closure on an ordeal stemming from a vehicle crash almost 2 years ago. The verdict also sends a message to insurance companies that despite Collin County's well-earned reputation as one of the most unfavorable venues for victims in all of Texas, Burress Injury Law carries the flag for Collin County injury victims and insists on fighting for justice and a safer community." – Jason K. Burress

Burress Injury Law wins $174,678 Stowers Verdict in Dallas District Court.


Injuries: Neck & Back Injuries

Case Description: Dallas County, Texas
Stop Sign – Motor Vehicle – Intersection – Motor Vehicle – Broadside

Plaintiff claimed neck and back injuries from wreck

Verdict $174,678 verdict for Plaintiff

Agreed Judgment $194,293 ($174,678 + $17,604 pre-judgment interest + 2,011 court costs)

Case Anissa Williams v. Seyed Mostafa Farnia, No. DC-15-12324
Court Dallas County District Court, 116th
Judge Tonya Parker
Date 5/30/2018

Plaintiff Attorney(s)
Jason K. Burress, Burress Injury Law, McKinney, TX
Kyle R. Hejl, Burress Injury Law, McKinney, TX

Defense Attorney(s)
Rachel L. Wright, Susan L. Florence & Associates, Dallas, TX
Sapna Perera, Susan L. Florence & Associates, Dallas, TX

Facts & Allegations

On May 9, 2014, plaintiff Anissa Williams, 43, an assistant to a university vice president, was driving a Toyota Prius west on Lake Park Way in Richardson. Seyed Mostafa Farnia, in a Toyota Corolla, was on a cross street and stopped at a stop sign at Lake Park Way. Williams did not have a stop sign. Farnia pulled out in front of Williams, who broadsided him. Williams claimed multiple injuries. Williams sued Farnia for negligently disregarding a stop sign, failing to yield the right of way and failing to keep a proper lookout. Farnia stipulated to liability 5 days before trial.


At the emergency room, Williams was diagnosed with a cervical strain only. On November 17, 2014, she saw an orthopedist and a chiropractor and began physical therapy. She was diagnosed with cervical and lumbar strain, and MRIs showed small cervical and lumbar disc bulges and degenerative conditions. She started treating with a chiropractor after the crash but had a gap in treatment from late November until December 19th, 2014. After restarting her chiropractic treatment, she continued until being released in early February 2015. Williams returned to the chiropractor again in late May. She told him that her neck felt better but that her lower back pain was significant. He treated her lower back through April 26, 2016.

Williams' chiropractor opined that all of the treatment and charges were reasonable and necessary and that the claimed injuries were caused by the crash. He also recommended that Williams undergo additional future chiropractic treatment.

Williams testified that the injuries required her to get a new chair at work so that she could sit for longer periods, as well as a table that went up and down. It was difficult to sit for long periods, which made it hard to enjoy watching her son's football games. It was hard to stand for long periods, which made it difficult to go shopping and antiquing with her daughter. She also could not work out as before, she said.

Williams sought $36,738.18 for past medical expenses and a little less than $50,000 for future medical expenses. She also sought past lost earning capacity, past and future physical pain, past and future mental anguish and past and future physical impairment. Plaintiff's counsel asked for a total of $210,000.

The defense highlighted the multiple gaps in treatment. The defense expert, a chiropractor, opined that, based on the gap in chiropractic care after Nov. 25, 2014, the subsequent neck and back treatment was unreasonable and unnecessary. The defense also argued that Williams had degenerative disc disease; that her neck and back injuries from the accident were minor sprains and strains only; and that her mental health problems were entirely pre-existing and unrelated to the accident.

Defense counsel suggested that the jury should award Williams less than $25,000.

The jury awarded Williams $174,678.40 (with interest and recoverable costs, the Agreed Judgment was $194,293 with post-judgment interest accumulating and also a separate motion for costs for more than $9,000).

The verdict was 10 to 2. Both of the dissenting jurors, one of whom was the presiding juror, held out because they wanted Williams to be awarded an even higher amount.


Anissa Williams

$36,738 past medical cost
$40,000 future medical cost
$20,000 past physical impairment
$15,000 future physical impairment
$25,000 past mental anguish
$22,500 past physical pain
$10,000 future physical pain
$5,440 past lost earning capacity
$174,678 plaintiff's total award
Demand $50,000 (Stowers)

Offer $24,000 during trial ($17,000 before trial)

Allstate Insurance Co.

Plaintiff Expert(s)
Robert Justin Turner, D.C., chiropractic, Richardson, TX

Defense Expert(s)
Nicholas Cantrelle, D.C., chiropractic, Arlington, TX

Plaintiff(s) Demographics

Anissa Williams
Age: 43 Years
Occupation: assistant to a university vice president
Gender: Female

Burress Injury Law settles case involving multi-vehicle crash resulting in complicated mild TBI to our client on the eve of trial for $1,500,000.00. The Defendant's insurance company made no pre-suit settlement offer and only offered $60,000.00 at the court ordered mediation.


The Defendant was driving his Lexus northbound on U.S. 75 ahead of our client in the outside (right) lane. For unknown reasons, ahead of the Defendant, a disabled tractor-trailer was parked in the improved outside shoulder. The Defendant veered to the right (to pass a slower vehicle) and the front right corner of his Lexus struck the left rear of the tractor-trailer. The impact caused the Defendant's vehicle to spin clockwise and reenter the roadway out of control until it passed directly in front of Plaintiff's vehicle causing a second impact with our client. The force of this T-bone impact was so violent that it instantly killed the Defendant's wife and caused our client's vehicle to yaw and subsequently collide with the vehicle to his left, which then experienced multiple on-road rolls. The Defendant blamed the collision on the parked tractor-trailer and on the speed of other vehicles.

Our law firm was retained shortly after the crash and immediately put boots on the ground to establish liability on the Defendant, showing that the driver of the parked tractor-trailer was utilizing his hazard lights and that the crash occurred in broad daylight.

While the crash report indicated our client was speeding, we obtained traffic engineering reports and other evidence that proved our client was driving within the speed limit.

Our client suffered minor orthopedic injuries, but the most significant injury was a mild traumatic brain injury ("mTBI"). Defendant's counsel argued our client did not suffer a brain injury because he made no complaints of a head injury to EMS or at the hospital, and his CT and MRI scans were normal. However, we were able to show our client visited his primary care physician complaining of brain injury symptoms just days after the crash, and that importantly, the call to schedule this appointment occurred the morning after the crash.

While our client's primary care physician documented his brain injury symptoms, he was referred to a neurologist. While the neurologist acknowledged our client's injuries were "probably related to a concussion with cervical muscle spasms," he also opined our client may have suffered a lacunar stroke prior to the crash, which obviously complicated our damages case.

Thereafter, our client saw two more neurologists, two neuropsychologists, and several other retained expert physicians, who referred our client to undergo advanced brain injury scans. These advanced imaging techniques revealed diminished fractional anisotropy within the left posterior frontal and less so right posterior frontal white matter, damage that the prior CT scans and normal MRIs were unable to identify. Another retained physician opined that while our client likely suffered a lacunar stroke (of which he was unaware), his plethora of brain injury symptoms were, in fact, caused by the crash. Those symptoms included the following:

  • Balance difficulties
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness (aggravated with motion)
  • Headaches
  • Blurred visions
  • Occasional tinnitus
  • Occasional nausea
  • Light sensitivity
  • Noise sensitivity
  • Moodiness
  • Irritability
  • Memory issues
  • Concentration issues

Finally, counsel for the Defendant ordered video surveillance of our client. When we requested all of the surveillance materials and the depositions of the Defendant's two private investigators, Defense counsel claimed they did not hire these investigators and refused to respond to our discovery requests, instead, attempting to run out the discovery period. Through subsequent motions and hearings, we proved that not only did Defense counsel retain these private investigators, but the video surveillance was also heavily spliced and altered almost 60 different times. The Defense and its insurance company were sanctioned twice during this case, and we believe the conduct of the insurance company and Defense counsel, and the judicial repercussions, contributed to justice for our client.

Burress Injury Law Earns Stowers (above insurance policy) Verdict [Judgment for $122,387.15] in Grayson County – 15th District Court.


On February 15, 2022, Burress Injury Law earned a Stowers verdict against an Allstate insured in Grayson County, 15th District Court.

The two-vehicle, T-bone crash happened at the intersection of 503 and Fallon Ave in Denison. Both parties claimed the other ran a red light. The Defendant's father was a passenger and supported the Defendant's story. There was an eyewitness who supported our client, but who also got many details of the crash wrong (he gave a recorded statement in which he said the passenger side instead of the driver's side of Defendant's vehicle was impacted, and he also believed an elderly woman was driving the Defendant's vehicle – Defendant was a 30-year-old male). The Police report favored our client, but the officer was a rookie, admitted she did not speak to any eyewitnesses and could not remember either party admitting to running the red light or how she formed her conclusion that Defendant ran the red light.

Our client was taken to the hospital via EMS and released a couple hours later. Surprisingly, the MRIs of the Plaintiff's neck and spine were completely normal (no bulges or herniations).

Our client's primary post-hospital treatment was chiropractic and physical therapy and she had one visit to a neurologist for headaches. She also testified she suffered headaches prior to the crash. Our client (now 26) had not received any medical treatment since March 2019. Our client and her parents testified that she still had back pain and occasional headaches.

The insurance company (Allstate) for the Defendant never made one offer of settlement before, during or after the trial. Although this was a difficult liability case, we effectively told our client's story and the 12-person jury believed her. The jury returned a verdict for our client in the amount of $106,602.21 (far more than Allstate's $30,000 policy), which was broken down as follows:

$46,402.21 – Past Medical Expenses
$10,000 – Past Physical Pain / Mental Anguish
$5,000 – Past Physical Impairment
$200 – Past Lost Wages
$20,000 – Future Physical Pain / Mental Anguish
$10,000 – Future Physical Impairment
$15,000 – Future Medical Expenses
$106,602.41 – Total Stowers Verdict

After accumulating interest and adding case costs, the Final Judgment is for $122,387.15 and Allstate will be forced to pay post-judgment interest until they satisfy the judgment.

Settlement: $711,717.00


Injuries: Herniated disks requiring surgery, whiplash, and various sprains and strains.

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $711,717.00 for a local family after the responsible party failed to yield the right of way, causing a crash and significant injuries, including one surgery.

Our team was able to obtain this very substantial result for a great client, who very much became a part of our firm's family during the time we worked on this case.

We aggressively worked up the case prior to litigation, and by applying pressure, forced an early mediation which led to this five star result.

Out of the $711,717.00, the client's net recovery after payback of the reduced medical expenses, case costs and attorney fees was $300,296 (tax free).

Settlement: $1,202,500.00

Injury: Fracture to facial bone requiring surgery.

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $1,202,500 from three insurance companies after our client suffered facial injuries from a crash on 121. The insurance companies denied responsibility and made no settlement offers, thus requiring us to file a lawsuit. Instead of accepting responsibility, they blamed ice for the crash (as opposed to their insured's negligent driving behavior) and also asserted a plethora of legal defenses including (1) contributory negligence; (2) Pre-existing injury; (3) Subsequent Injury; (4) Failure to Mitigate Damages; and (5) sudden emergency. The insurance companies lost every hearing before the court. In the final hearing just a couple of weeks before the scheduled trial, as part of her Order in favor of Plaintiff, the Judge noted that the Defendants had misled Plaintiff's counsel. This case was not without risk, and we were incredibly grateful that the insurance companies finally did the right thing and paid very full value on the claim, albeit after they were completely out of options.

After litigation, our clients were awarded a total of $1,202,500.00. After costs and expenses, the client's net recovery was $893,408.59.

We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the settlement.

Settlement: $1,257,500.00

Injury: Fracture to leg requiring two surgeries.

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $1,257,500 from two insurance companies after our client suffered a fractured leg requiring two surgeries from a vehicular crash. The responsible party disregarded a stop sign and "T-boned" our client. The accident caused our client's vehicle to become engulfed in flames but despite his broken leg, our client was able to safely exit his vehicle. While the insurance companies did not explicitly deny liability, they continuously challenged causation, essentially trying to disprove that the crash caused our client's injuries. More specifically, the client was impacted on his driver's side but yet his right leg suffered the fracture. It was truly incredulous for an insurance company to assume with no evidence whatsoever that a person had perhaps just fractured his leg (there was no dispute the fracture was acute) and was driving his vehicle when he was involved in a significant crash, but both insurance companies did exactly that. When the case was pre-suit, the total settlement amount offered was less than one million dollars. Our law firm insists on recovering full value for our clients' injury claims and thus we filed suit to force the insurance companies to pay every dollar they should. Our client, who has become a terrific friend of the firm, was very pleased with the outcome.

After litigation, our clients were awarded a total of $1,257,500.00. After costs and expenses, the client's net recovery was $853,260.50.

Settlement: $342,500.00

Injury: involving disc bulge, mild grade concussion and lumbar and cervical sprains.

Case Description: Burress Injury Laws earns $342,500.00 on case involving disc bulge, mild grade concussion and lumbar and cervical sprains due to a rear end collision with substantial property damage. Fortunately, there were no surgeries or broken bones from this crash. Prior to filing suit, Federated Insurance offered only $90,600.00. Our team put an incredible amount of pressure on the Defendant company and its insurance company and forced a very full value settlement on the eve of conducting the deposition of Defendant's Corporate Representative.

After litigation, our clients were awarded a total of $342,500.00. After attorney fees and case expenses totaling $138,873.00, the remaining portion was forwarded to the client.

Settlement: $1,192,500

Injury: Death of Mother of two children

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $1,192,500.00 from a fatality car crash in which the vehicle our client was riding in as a front seat passenger struck a disabled utility trailer and then continued under the trailer until striking the left rear tandem axle under the trailer. Plaintiffs (minor children of the deceased mother), as wrongful death beneficiaries, sued alleging negligence claims against the trucking company. After litigation, our clients were awarded a total of $1,192,500.00. Attorneys fees were $390,138.53 and litigation costs were $43,895.20.

We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the settlement.

Verdict: $1,000,000

Injury: Pit Bull Dog Bite

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $1,000,000.00 in a serious pit bull dog bite case resulting in leg injuries and disfigurement. This was the second time the subject pit bull bit a Collin County, Tx resident.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $400,000.00 and $3,698.43 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the jury verdict.

Gross Settlement: $2,000,000

Injury: Minor Traumatic Brain Injury, Orthopedic Injuries (non-surgical)

Case Description: 18-wheeler to passenger car accident caused by distracted truck driver

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $800,000.00 and $32,136.00 in case costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the result.

Verdict: $3,655,130

Injury: Minor Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Case Description: February 4, 2015 Montoya v. Advanced Stimulation Technologies and Billy Duane Williams – An Ector County jury returned a $3,615,908 personal injury verdict in a side-impact crash against Billy Duane Williams and his employer, Advanced Stimulation Technologies, Inc.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $1,446,363.20 and $131,403.32 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the jury verdict.

Gross Settlement: $4,792,500

Injury: Death

Case Description: 18-wheeler fatality

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $1,914,000.00 and $42,054.00 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the jury verdict.

Gross Settlement: $1,102,500

Injury: Orthopedic Injuries (surgical)

Case Description: 18-wheeler wreck caused by careless truck driver

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $441,000.00 and $16,415.50 in case costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the result.

Settlement: Confidential

Injury: Traumatic Brain Injury, cervical and lumbar strains and left shoulder strain

Case Description: 18-wheeler wreck caused by careless truck driver. Liability in this case was hotly contested and the facts of this case posed a very real risk for our clients. Specifically, while our law firm's contention is that the 18-wheeler driver was responsible for the crash, the investigating officer and multiple eyewitnesses placed 100% fault on a third vehicle. Fortunately, the client's family retained our law firm within one week of the crash. We helped our client receive the medical treatment that she needed and built what was classified as a mild traumatic brain injury case to the point that our economic damages model (including life care plan) exceeded $4,000,000.00. After completing substantial discovery including more than 20 depositions, participating in numerous hearings (of which the trucking company's attorneys lost every hearing before the Court) and attending Mediation, the parties reached resolution of this claim that will benefit our client and her family for the rest of her life. The settlement amount and all information related to the Defendants, Defense Counsel, Insurance Companies are strictly confidential at the insistence of the Defense.

Settlement: $452,500.00

Case Description: Commercial Vehicle Collision Case. Jason K. Burress settles commercial vehicle collision case for former classmate in his hometown of Paris, Texas. To this day, Jason still maintains a home and heavy presence in Paris, and Burress Injury Law always represents a handful of select serious injury and wrongful death clients in Paris. In this case, Jason's classmate was rear-ended in their hometown by a reckless driver of a commercial van owned by a mortuary service. The collision was so forceful that the van became engulfed in flames and burned to the ground and our client's vehicle was destroyed. During the case, our team gathered evidence suggesting that the van operator was distracted before and during the crash sequence. The at fault party's insurance company initially offered $200,000.00. We declined the offer and kept the pressure on the Defendants and their insurance company. As the case continued, we focused on not only the bad acts by the defendant driver and the company's poor supervision and training of its driver, but we also further developed the damages model for our client, including medical expenses, lost wages, physical pain and suffering and mental anguish. Eventually, the case resolved for $452,500.00. Our team did an excellent job after the case settled by reducing the medical expenses from $106,537.57 all the way down to $40,299.33. After attorney fees, costs and paying the client's reduced medical expenses, the net proceeds to the client totaled $260,400.19.

Settlement: $450,000


Injury: Concussion, back strain, open wound to the arm, torn knee ligament

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $450,000.00 for client who was injured because of an improperly loaded skid steer on a trailer being hauled by a commercial vehicle. The improper loading resulted in the at fault party's commercial vehicle jackknifing into our client's box truck, which subsequently caused it to overturn. Our client suffered significant injuries. The insurance adjuster made a poor offer in the amount of $85,000.00 and refused to accept responsibility for our client's knee injury because in her words, she could not "imagine how anyone could hurt their knee in this type of accident," despite the fact that our client's big truck suffered a driver's side roll, resulting in our client's left knee impacting the driver's door when the driver's side of the vehicle contacted the pavement. Due to the poor settlement offer, we were forced to file a lawsuit. Burress Injury Law was eventually able to resolve this matter during litigation after deposing the driver and many other company employees. Our team did exceptional work after the case resolved to reduce hospital liens, subrogation interests, and other owed medical expenses. Attorney fees were $180,000, litigation costs totaled $5,217.32, leaving a net of $264,782.68. Burress Injury Law reduced the medical expenses from $170,492.96 all the way down to $61,437.00. After all medical expenses were paid, the client received $203,345.68 with no remaining obligations or debts.

Settlement: $1,065,000.00


Injury: Fractured left heel, broken hip, broken sternum, three broken ribs, fractured third lumbar vertebra

Case Description: Kyle Hejl & Trisha Miller of Burress Injury Law recover $1,065,000.00 from four (4) different insurance companies after our client suffered multiple fractures requiring numerous surgeries from a motor vehicle crash. The responsible party failed to control the speed of her vehicle and struck the vehicle in front of her as traffic was slowing. After this initial impact, the responsible party crossed over into oncoming traffic and struck our client head on causing his truck to roll over. The insurance company with largest policy ($1 million) made no offer prior to suit being filed and continually delayed handling of the case. Our law firm demanded justice for our client and after pushing the insurance company during litigation, the company tendered its entire policy.

Our clients were awarded a total of $1,065,000.00. The client's net recovery is still being determined and will be supplemented once we reduce our client's hospital and workers compensation liens and other medical expenses.

Gross Settlement: $410,000

Injury: Minor Traumatic Brain Injury, Orthopedic Injuries (non-surgical)

Case Description: T-bone collision caused by careless driver. Initial crash report was against our client and there was an eye-witness who testified against our client's interest. When the client retained our services, the insurance company had denied liability.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $147,333.33 and $11,475.00 in case costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the result.

Gross Settlement: $1,105,000

Injury: Broken Leg (surgery)

Case Description: Car wreck caused by careless driver

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $386,750.00 and $6,238.00 in case costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the result.

Gross Settlement: $250,000

Injury: Bulging Disk, Concussion

Case Description: Car wreck caused by negligent driver

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $100,000.00 and $4,170.00 in case costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the result.

Gross settlement: $2,000,000

Injury: All Details of this case remain confidential

Case Description: Confidential

Our contingent fee with this client yielded attorney fees of $666,666.00 and $9,400.00 in litigation costs.

Gross Settlement: $1,010,000

Injury: Death

Case Description: Motorcycle wreck caused by careless driver

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $400,000.00 and $4,070.45 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the jury verdict.

Gross Settlement: $815,000

Injury: Traumatic Brain Injury

Case Description: Motorcycle wreck due to drunk driver

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $306,000 and $31,412 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $947,725

Injury: Multiple orthopedic injuries

Case Description: Head-on collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $329,795.00 and $13,202.90 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $550,000

Injury: Mild Traumatic Brain injury and orthopedic injuries

Case Description: Faulty equipment injury

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $200,000 and $9,286.21 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $725,000.00 (Settled after 3 days of Jury Trial; Defendant's settlement offer before trial was $118,000)

Injury: Minor Traumatic Brain Injury

Case Description: T-Bone collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $291,093.75 and $123,206.19 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $205,000.00 (Settled on first day of Jury Trial; Defendant's pre-trial settlement offer was $5,000)

Injury: Bulging Disc

Case Description: Vehicle Crash

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $90,000.00 and $9,699.42 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $432,500.00

Injury: Bulging Discs

Case Description: Vehicle Crash

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $148,750.00 and $657.30 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $355,000.00

Injury: Fractured Spine

Case Description: Bicycle crash

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $117,666.66 and $4,213.82 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $210,000.00

Injury: Non-surgical Orthopedic Injury

Case Description: T-bone collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $68,666.66 and $974.58 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $410,000.00

Injury: Orthopedic Injury (surgical)

Case Description: Frontal impact vehicular wreck

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $148,000.00 and $16,377.34 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $225,000.00

Injury: Muscle/Skin Disfigurement

Case Description: Dog bite

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $75,000.00 and $1,632.00 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $167,500.00

Injury: Broken Wrist

Case Description: T-bone collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $64,000.00 and $1,341.29 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $145,000

Injury: Fractured wrist

Case Description: Rear-end impact

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $48,333.33 and $1,536.64 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $102,500

Injury: Minor bulging disc injury

Case Description: Side impact car accident. UIM suit is still pending.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $35,500 and $764.79 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $100,000

Injury: Broken clavicle

Case Description: Driver of an SUV turned across a bicycle lane, causing a crash with a bicyclist and resulted in a broken clavicle. Defendant's insurance company refused to provide any offer of settlement.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $40,000 and $6,012.21 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $205,000

Injury: Fractured ankle

Case Description: T-bone collision resulting in client fracturing his ankle.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $71,000 and $902.24 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $227,725

Injury: Rotator-cuff injury

Case Description: Car crash resulting in client undergoing arthroscopic rotator-cuff repair.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $79,295 and $580.19 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $177,500

Injury: Back injury

Case Description: Car wreck involving exacerbation of previous back condition.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $61,750 and $623.41 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Verdict: $36,073

Injury: Cervical and lumbar pain

Case Description: Rear-end crash causes cervical and lumbar pain for our client. Defendant State Farm Insurance refused to pay client's medical bills and client retained Burress . State Farm offered $500.00 to settle the case two weeks before trial and $2,000.00 before trial. Jury returned a verdict of $35,000.00, plus interest and costs for a total of $36,073.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $14,320 and $3,113.35 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the jury verdict.

Gross Settlement: Confidential

Case Description: Burress Injury Law earns Plaintiff's verdict for injured client in Wood County. During jury deliberations, the parties entered into a high-low agreement to govern the verdict. The recovery for the client is more than 200% higher than the Defendant Insurance Company's first settlement offer and 12% higher than the settlement offer received during trial. The post-verdict high-low agreement is confidential. Burress Injury Law is proud of the fact that we will try any injury case, any time, anywhere to ensure that insurance companies are fair to our clients.

Gross Settlement: Confidential

Injury: Death

Case Description: Head-on collision

Gross Settlement: Confidential

Injury: Serious personal injuries.

Case Description: Automotive product defect lawsuit.

Gross Settlement: Confidential

Injury: Catastrophic injuries

Case Description: Personal injury case involving catastrophic damages to female client.

Gross Settlement: $450,000

Injury: Broken hip

Case Description: Premises liability case

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $180,000 and $5,148.53 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $250,000

Injury: Significant injuries

Case Description: Defective product case

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $100,000 and $10,688.92 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $205,055

Injury: Facial lacerations and pain throughout the back, neck and knees.

Case Description: Head-on collision. Burress Injury Law pursued four separate insurance policies and obtained each policy's limit.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $70,976.67 and $926.51 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $249,000

Injury: Hand injury

Case Description: Motorcycle crash resulting in hand surgery.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $87,150.00 and $2,023.42 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $175,000

Injury: Soft tissue injuries and a claim for bodily disfigurement.

Case Description: Car wreck.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $70,000.00 and $9,049.69 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $140,055

Injury: Minor bulging disc injury

Case Description: Rear-end car crash

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $52,022 and $1,751.85 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $127,500

Injury: Not applicable

Case Description: Insurance bad faith case.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $49,000.00 and $7,245.13 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $115,384

Injury: Broken wrist

Case Description: Motorcycle wreck

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $38,634.40 and $622.28 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $110,000

Injury: Leg and hand injuries

Case Description: Motorcycle crash resulting in leg and hand surgery. Burress Injury Law was able to locate three separate insurance policies and obtained each policy's limit for the client.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $37,163.84 and $497.17 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $107,500

Injury: Disc injury and leg contusion

Case Description: Rear-end impact

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $46,589.55 and $4,154.59 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $191,253

Injury: Shoulder Sprain and bulging disc

Case Description: Rear-end impact

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $65,250.60 and $1,207.28 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $600,000

Injury: Contusions, Lacerations and Emotional Trauma

Case Description: Assault

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $240,000 and $71,454.33 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $145,000

Injury: Orthopedic injuries

Case Description: Frontal collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $47,666.66 and $4 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $144,254.27

Injury: Mild Traumatic Brain injury and orthopedic injuries

Case Description: Rear-end collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $48,936.34 and $1,185.71 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $134,500

Injury: Mild Traumatic Brain injury and orthopedic injuries

Case Description: Rear-end collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $46,025 and $3,826.29 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $135,000

Injury: Collapsed lung and orthopedic injuries

Case Description: Rear-end impact

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $46,500 and $806.43 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Gross Settlement: $162,500

Injury: Traumatic Brain Injury

Case Description: Frontal collision

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $48,000 and $377.34 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the settlement.

Settlement: $375,000

Injury: Vehicle/Pedestrian collision

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $375,000.00 in a case where a negligent driver of a vehicle hit our client, who was a pedestrian in a parking garage. The collision caused orthopedic injuries to our client resulting in $25,783.00 of medical expenses.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $168,750.00 and $3,265.73 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the jury verdict.

Settlement: $347,500

Injury: Vehicle collision

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $347,500.00 from a crash due to a negligent driver of a van rear-ending our client. The Defendant's insurance company in a case where a negligent driver of a vehicle hit our client, who was a pedestrian in a parking garage. The collision caused orthopedic injuries to our client resulting in $25,783.00 of medical expenses.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $168,750.00 and $3,265.73 in litigation costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the jury verdict.

Settlement: $215,000

Injury: Displaced Distal Radius Fracture

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $215,000 from a motor vehicle crash in which our client suffered a displaced distal radius fracture. Plaintiff's injuries required he undergo surgery and the implanting of hardware to fix the fracture. The insurance company for the responsible party made an extremely low (much less than the medical expenses) settlement offer pre-suit. Once suit was filed, the at fault party's insurance company quickly tendered its entire policy. The case was then litigated against the client's own insurance company (we sought the client's underinsured motorist benefits). After vigorously litigating the case, including successfully having the court strike the defense's expert struck from testifying, Burress Injury Law was able to make a total recovery of $215,000.

After attorney fees, case expenses and repayment of the client's medical expenses (with reductions), the net recovery was forwarded to the clients.

Settlement: $202,500.00

Injury: Neck, back and shoulder soft tissue injuries and 7 stitches.

Case Description: We are extremely proud of this case not just because of the settlement amount, but because of the circumstances of the case. First, this case was a referral from a former client of Burress Injury Law, which is the ultimate testimonial. Second,

The responsible party was not paying attention and crossed the center line on a two lane Farm To Market road in Prosper. This caused our client to exit the roadway into a bar ditch to avoid a head-on collision. As our client tried to re-enter the roadway from the bar ditch, his SUV overturned. The Defendant driver stopped but denied liability. Our team sprang into action and Jason K. Burress had his boots on the ground at the crash scene with his crash reconstruction expert just two days after the crash (and hours after being retained). We were able to preserve existing evidence and develop additional evidence from the scene and the vehicles involved in the incident. The Defendant driver later denied several self-incriminating statements she had made on the officer's body cam video which our team obtained. When the Defendant denied making these incriminating statements under oath, she had no idea that her conversations on the day of the crash were all recorded by law enforcement, and provided to Burress Personal Injury Law prior to Defendant's deposition. Most importantly, the Defendant's insurance company denied liability and offered $0.00 and invited us to file suit. Turning a denial of liability into a $202,500.00 result made us, and especially the client, very happy.

After litigation, our client was awarded a total of $202,500. After attorney fees of $81,000.00 and case expenses totaling $2,593.72, the remainder was forwarded to the client.

Settlement: $193,000.00

Injury: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and other orthopedic injuries

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $193,000.00 for a husband and wife who suffered mild traumatic brain injuries and other orthopedic injuries when the at-fault driver (who, along with her passenger, died as a result of the significant impact of the crash) crossed into their lane of travel and hit them head-on, causing substantial property damage. Fortunately, there were no surgeries or broken bones from this crash. The insurance company repeatedly challenged causation due in part to the clients' advanced age and, once suit was filed, sought to obtain each Plaintiff's historical medical records from a variety of medical providers. Our law firm, always being committed to ensuring our clients' privacy, successfully limited the records the insurance company was able to obtain and were eventually able to obtain full value for our clients' injury claims.

After litigation, our clients were awarded a total of $193,000.00. After attorney fees, case expenses and repayment of the client's medical expenses (with reductions), the net recovery was forwarded to the clients.

Settlement: $260,607.51


Injury: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI), Disc Protrusion and Shoulder Strain.

Case Description: Burress Injury Law recovers $260,607.51 after our client suffered a mTBI and lumbar disc protrusion in a motor vehicle accident in Dallas, Texas. Although liability was conceded on behalf of the Defendant, there was a major fight over the value of the case. The insurance company only offered $30,000, thus we filed suit on behalf of our client. Although our client eventually recovered from her injuries, the insurance company devalued all that this single mom went through including having forced to raise 3 kids on her own while injured. Her weight rose from 117 lbs. to 138 lbs. after taking steroids as part of her treatment. The medical records showed our client's pain scores were quite high and the mTBI she suffered caused her chronic migraine problem to temporarily worsen. As a result of the litigation, the insurance company was forced raise its offer from $30,000 to $260,607.51 to resolve the case and avoid trial.

Of the $260,607.51, attorney fees and case costs totaled $87,683.86, netting $172,923.65. One of our greatest passions is negotiating (reducing) medical expenses, liens and health insurance subrogation interests for our clients after the case is over. In this case, our team did a fantastic job, reducing the owed medical expenses and liens from $120,149.85 all the way down to $28,714.00.

Result: $90,000.00


Injury: Mild disc bulge, Soft tissue elbow sprain

Case Description: We are very pleased with this result in one of our smaller cases. Our client suffered relatively minor injuries in a rear end collision. The property damage from this motor vehicle accident was nonexistent (see the photo below). Prior to filing a lawsuit, we received a $44,000.00 settlement offer. We filed suit and put a tremendous amount of pressure on the Defendant's insurance company, forcing them to offer more than full value after multiple depositions in the amount of $90,000.00. We spent almost 4 days preparing our client for her deposition and we believe our philosophy of spending more time focusing on fewer cases shone through in this case.

After attorney fees of $36,000.00, case expenses of $2,794.86 and repayment of reduced medical expenses, the net settlement proceeds in the client's pocket totaled $36,183.54.

Result: $152,500.00

Injury: Mild concussion, left knee strain, left shoulder strain

Case Description: This case was meaningful to our Burress Injury Law team for multiple reasons, not the least of which was that an insurance adjuster adversary retained us to handle the injury claim on behalf of his wife. This is not uncommon but we take great pride when the other side retains us to represent their own family against another insurance company. In this case, we insisted upon and obtained very full value for our clients harms and losses which were caused by a negligent driver.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $53,375.00 and $618.01 in case costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the settlement.

Result: $75,000.00

Injury: Laceration on finger

Case Description: In this case, our client was bitten by a dog on her finger and suffered a significant laceration. Although it always helps the value of the claim when we are retained right away, in this case the client tried to handle her claim with the insurance company on her own before becoming frustrated and turning to Burress Injury Law. Shortly after our arrival, the insurance company was singing a different tune and almost tripled its initial offer to peacefully settle the claim.

Our contingent fee arrangement with this client yielded attorneys' fees of $25,000.00 and $454.62 in case costs. We forwarded these costs and were reimbursed from the proceeds of the settlement.

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