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Lewisville UPS Accidents Attorney

UPS Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer in Denton County, TX

Online shopping became the only option for many people during the height of the pandemic. Even when in-person shopping became safer again, few wanted to give up the convenience of ordering online. It is far easier to type the product you want into a search bar than it is to search a shopping mall for the same item. A side effect of this rise in online ordering is the rapid expansion of the shipping industry. While many of UPS's clients used to be individuals mailing items to friends and family members, the company's drivers are now delivering packages for all sorts of online retailers. This means more trucks on the roads and a lot of new drivers. It also means there have been more accidents involving UPS vehicles.

Burress Injury Law can help if you have recently been injured by a UPS driver. Our dedicated team of personal injury lawyers will do all we can to ensure that your financial needs will be met. Your compensation award can cover not only your healthcare costs and any property damage, but also your lost income and noneconomic damages that are not easily quantified. When you work with us, there is no cost to you unless we can recover compensation on your behalf. With a success rate higher than 99.9 percent, we can help you ensure that you will receive the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of UPS Accidents in Denton County, TX

While UPS drivers are trained to drive the company's trucks, this training may not always be adequate to ensure that the company is only putting safe drivers on the road. Some of the most common causes of UPS accidents include:

  • Inexperienced drivers - Driving a UPS truck is very different than driving a car. While UPS drivers are trained in operating trucks, new drivers are still more prone to making mistakes that can lead to accidents. Because the shipping industry has expanded so rapidly, companies like UPS and FedEx have had to hire many new drivers rather quickly, and there are more new delivery drivers on the roads.
  • Distraction - UPS drivers are often in a rush to adhere to tight schedules. This may mean that they choose to multitask behind the wheel rather than remaining parked to answer work messages or adjust their GPS devices. Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents.
  • Unrealistic expectations - Many UPS drivers have complained about being expected to adhere to impossibly tight schedules. This may cause some drivers to adopt careless habits in an effort to keep pace. Drivers may speed, make rapid turns regardless of oncoming traffic, or display aggression towards other drivers they perceive as being in their way.
  • DUI/DWI - Stressed drivers may turn to alcohol or other drugs while working in order to cope with the pressure, or drivers who struggle to keep pace may resort to using stimulants to help maintain high levels of energy. The use of these substances can be dangerous for any driver, but drunk or intoxicated driving by UPS drivers is especially likely to lead to accidents and injuries.

Many of these factors overlap, and it is not uncommon for our investigators to find that a UPS accident had multiple causes. For example, a driver may have been both speeding and using their device, or they may have been both intoxicated and inexperienced. We begin each case with a detailed investigation into the circumstances of the accident so that we can find any available proof of UPS's negligence.

What Compensation Can Cover

Generally, your compensation award should make up for nearly any cost or loss you suffered as a result of a UPS accident. A few major categories of compensation are:

  • Property damage - If your vehicle or other items you own were damaged, compensation should cover repairs or replacement.
  • Medical and care costs - Any medical bills you have, including home care costs, should be paid by the liable party.
  • Lost income - If you are losing wages while missing work, those wages can be replaced. This is true of any income you will continue to lose in the future if your injuries are permanent.
  • Noneconomic damages - This category includes pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment in life.

Contact a Lewisville, TX UPS Accident Lawyer

Burress Injury Law can fight for the compensation you need. Our experienced personal injury lawyers will strive to claim every dollar you are entitled to. We have received many awards demonstrating the quality of our legal services, and we have also received hundreds of perfect 5.0 ratings from satisfied clients. We can provide you with the highest level of service, fighting to protect your rights at all times. Contact us at 214-726-0016 for a complimentary consultation.

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