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Sherman DWI Accident Attorney

Hire a Skilled Sherman DWI Accident Attorney to Protect Your Rights and Future

Every year, car accidents caused by drunk drivers claim the lives of thousands of innocent people. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal, but far too many people choose to get behind the wheel when they are incapable of driving safely. The accidents that can occur when drunk drivers lose control of their vehicles and collide with others can be devastating, and these drivers should be held responsible for their failure to protect the safety of others. Even though a drunk driver may seem to be obviously at fault for an accident, these cases can still be very complex, and victims will need to make sure they take the correct steps to pursue compensation for their injuries and damages.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a DWI accident, Burress Injury Law can provide you with legal help and representation as you seek compensation from the person who harmed you. Our experienced personal injury attorneys understand the physical, emotional, and financial effects of these types of accidents. We are dedicated to fighting on behalf of victims and working tirelessly to make sure they are fully compensated for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

Our dedication to our clients and our belief in pursuing justice has yielded positive results in the vast majority of cases we take on. We have represented injury victims in more than 4,000 cases, including hundreds of jury trials. We bring over 250 years of combined experience to every case, and we have helped our clients receive numerous high-value settlements and verdicts, including many multi-million-dollar awards. We provide all clients with a high level of care and attention, ensuring that they can recover from their difficult experiences and move forward with their lives.

The Dangers of Intoxicated Driving

The use of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of substances can significantly impair a person's ability to operate a vehicle safely. Even if a person's blood alcohol levels are below the legal limit, they may still experience effects that will make them more likely to be involved in a car wreck. Alcohol may also combine with other substances, such as prescription drugs or cold and flu medicines, leading to the impairment of a person's physical and mental faculties.

Some common effects of intoxication include:

  • Reduced reaction time - When under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the mind and body take longer to process and respond to information. A driver who is intoxicated may need more time to react to issues such as a pedestrian entering the roadway or the unexpected slowdown of another vehicle, and if they cannot respond quickly enough, they may collide with someone else and cause serious injuries.
  • Poor coordination - Intoxication can affect a person's ability to control the movements of their body, resulting in less control of a vehicle. A driver may have difficulty maintaining control at higher speeds, or they may be unable to take evasive actions in emergency situations.
  • Vision problems - An intoxicated driver may struggle to see clearly at night or during inclement weather. Even during the day or in locations without any visibility issues, alcohol or drug use may lead to issues such as blurred or double vision, making it more difficult for a driver to see and respond to what is happening around them.
  • Drowsiness or fatigue - Alcohol and drugs often lead to sleepiness or drowsiness, which can be incredibly dangerous when operating a car. When a person is less alert, they are more likely to become distracted by other things in the car, such as loud music or passengers, and this may cause them to lose focus on the road and their surroundings. A person who nods off, even for a split second, will be much more likely to lose control and collide with others.
  • Impaired judgment - When under the influence, a person's judgment and critical thinking skills become significantly diminished. They are more likely to engage in risky or dangerous behavior, like speeding or weaving through traffic, which can put other drivers at risk of serious car accidents.

Contact Our Sherman Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers

At Burress Injury Law, we have extensive experience handling claims related to car accidents caused by drunk drivers. We can review the facts of your case and advise you on the best way to proceed. Pursuing a claim against the responsible driver not only ensures that they will be held accountable for acting in a way that caused you to suffer harm, but the financial compensation you may receive will help address the burdens you have experienced due to the accident. If you have been hurt in a DWI accident, contact us today at 214-726-0016 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you pursue justice.

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