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Frisco FedEx Accidents Lawyer

Handling Injuries Resulting from FedEx Drivers in Frisco, TX

Package delivery is a booming industry in the United States. As more people shop online, they expect the items they order to be delivered quickly. Many people and businesses also ship items throughout the country and internationally, and in many cases, packages are transported large distances and delivered within a few days or less. To meet these increasing demands, delivery companies such as FedEx have put more vehicles on the roads and made efforts to ensure that drivers deliver packages as quickly and efficiently as possible. While these practices provide benefits for consumers, they may also put people at a higher risk of being injured in accidents with FedEx vehicles.

The experienced attorneys of Burress Injury Law understand the issues involved in FedEx accidents, and we can help victims obtain full compensation for their damages. In these situations, it is important to understand your rights, and by contacting us as soon as possible after an accident, you can ensure that we will be able to help you protect your rights to recover full compensation for your claim.

Our lawyers have handled a wide variety of cases involving FedEx delivery trucks and other types of commercial vehicles, and we are fully prepared to stand up to large corporations such as FedEx and fight for the rights of injury victims. We can investigate the circumstances surrounding an accident, determine who was responsible, pursue lawsuits against FedEx or other parties, and negotiate settlements with insurance companies. We will take every effort to ensure that you will be able to recover the maximum amount of compensation you deserve for the damages you have suffered in a FedEx accident.

Common Causes of FedEx Accidents in Frisco, TX

FedEx delivery trucks are larger than most passenger vehicles, and they can inflict a great deal of damage in a collision. Because of these safety issues, FedEx drivers must be sure to take care when driving, follow the rules of the road, and avoid behaviors that could put others at risk. Unfortunately, they may fail to do so, and accidents can occur because of:

  • Fatigued driving - FedEx delivery drivers are often on the roads for long hours, and they can easily become tired or drowsy when they are driving. Fatigue may occur because of lengthy shifts involving physical labor, sleep disorders, health issues, or the use of certain types of medications. Delivery drivers who are excessively tired are much more likely to make mistakes when behind the wheel, or they may even fall asleep while driving, leading to dangerous collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians.
  • Distracted driving - Delivery drivers may be distracted while operating their vehicles for many reasons, including using cell phones or other electronic devices to make calls, send text messages, look up directions, or review delivery schedules, as well as eating and drinking, adjusting vehicle controls, or handling packages and paperwork. Anything that causes a FedEx driver to look away from the road while driving or pay attention to non-driving tasks may increase the likelihood of an accident.
  • Vehicle maintenance - FedEx delivery trucks must be properly maintained to ensure that they can be operated safely. If the company fails to perform regular maintenance, or if a malfunction occurs due to defective parts or inadequate repairs, this may affect a driver's ability to maintain control of the vehicle, and they may be unable to avoid a collision.
  • Speeding and other traffic violations - In some cases, FedEx drivers may feel pressure from their supervisors to deliver packages quickly and meet deadlines. As a result, they may exceed the speed limits or engage in other dangerous behaviors, such as making illegal turns, running red lights, or failing to yield the right of way. These violations can significantly increase the risk of an accident.
  • Inadequate training - FedEx drivers must have the proper training to ensure they can operate delivery vehicles safely and pick up and drop off packages without endangering others. If proper training is not provided, or if a driver is inexperienced or lacks the skills to operate a commercial vehicle properly, collisions are more likely to occur.

Contact Our Experienced Frisco, Texas FedEx Accident Attorneys Today

If you have been injured in a FedEx accident in Frisco, TX, Burress Injury Law can help you take the proper steps to pursue financial compensation for your injuries and other damages. We can make sure all legal issues related to an accident will be addressed correctly, including determining whether FedEx may be liable in situations where drivers are either employees or independent contractors. We can also help you receive the necessary medical treatment you need without any up front, out pocket expenses. Contact our firm at 214-726-0016 to set up a free consultation and get the legal help you need.

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