Burress Injury Law
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Dallas Brain Injuries (TBI) Attorney

Dallas Lawyers Helping Victims of Closed Head and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Accidents can happen at any time, and they often have devastating consequences. One of the most severe injuries that can occur in these situations is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A TBI occurs when there is a blow to the head, a sudden jolt, or any other traumatic incident that causes damage to brain tissue or otherwise disrupts brain functions. TBIs are commonly caused by car accidents, slip and falls, workplace accidents, sports-related incidents, and acts of violence. A TBI can be life-altering for both the injured person and their loved ones. Physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impairments may result from this type of injury.

The team at Burress Injury Law has extensive experience handling complex TBI cases and other types of personal injuries. We are committed to protecting the rights of people who have been victimized by negligent parties. Our attorneys have received numerous awards, and we have a perfect 5.0 average rating from clients who have left reviews for us online. With our success rate of over 99.9 percent, we can ensure that cases involving brain injuries will be handled correctly so that a victim will receive the financial compensation they deserve.

How Victims May Be Affected by Traumatic Brain Injuries

TBIs can vary widely in severity depending on factors such as the force of impact or the depth of penetration. Mild TBIs, which are commonly known as concussions, typically involve temporary changes in mental status or consciousness. While moderate or severe brain injuries are more likely to have permanent effects, mild traumatic brain injuries can also have lasting effects on a person's health and well-being.

Moderate to severe TBIs often lead to long-term complications that impact a person's daily life. These may include:

  • Cognitive impairment: Memory problems, difficulty concentrating or paying attention
  • Motor skills: Balance issues, coordination problems
  • Speech and language difficulties: Trouble speaking clearly or understanding others
  • Sensory changes: Vision impairment or loss, hearing loss, taste and smell abnormalities
  • Mood swings and emotional challenges: Depression, anxiety, and irritability
  • Epilepsy and seizures: Recurrent seizures after the initial injury

Following a traumatic brain injury, the physical, emotional, and financial burdens placed on the injured person and their loved ones can be overwhelming. The cost of medical treatment for traumatic brain injuries is often exorbitant. These costs may include emergency care, hospital stays, rehabilitative therapy, assistive devices, prescription medications, and ongoing follow-up appointments with specialized medical professionals. Limitations on a person's ability to work can also lead to financial losses, and a victim and their family may struggle to return to normalcy.

Experienced Legal Help With Brain Injury Cases in Dallas

At Burress Injury Law, we have the knowledge, skills, and experience to help you successfully recover compensation for a traumatic brain injury. We can provide assistance in the following ways:

  • Investigating your case: Our team will review accident reports, medical records, witness statements, and all other forms of documentation relevant to your situation, making sure we understand the causes of your injury and the effects it has had on your life.
  • Establishing liability: To obtain compensation for your injuries and damages, we must demonstrate that someone else was responsible for causing you to suffer harm. We will work diligently to identify all potentially liable parties involved in the incident, such as a driver who was at fault for a car accident or a property owner who failed to prevent a slip-and-fall.
  • Working with expert witnesses: To strengthen your case further, we may consult experts such as neurologists, neuropsychologists, and life-care planners who can provide professional opinions regarding the extent of damages caused by a TBI. Expert testimonies can be instrumental in establishing causation, prognosis, and the estimated lifelong costs of medical care, rehabilitation, and other related expenses.
  • Performing an accurate valuation of your damages: To ensure you receive maximum compensation for your injuries, we will diligently assess and accurately value all of the damages you have suffered. These may include current and future medical expenses, lost wages or loss of earning capacity, physical pain and suffering, emotional distress, and any other losses that you and your family have experienced.
  • Negotiating settlements or pursuing litigation: We will negotiate on your behalf with insurance companies or other parties involved to reach a fair settlement that fully addresses your damages, including your immediate costs and the long-term effects of your injuries. Should negotiations fail to produce an acceptable outcome, we are fully prepared to litigate your case in court and fight for justice for you.

Contact Our Dallas Brain Injuries Attorneys

Suffering a traumatic brain injury can be devastating not physically, emotionally, and financially. At Burress Injury Law, we understand the challenges you face after such an injury, which is why our compassionate team is dedicated to helping people like you seek justice for traumatic brain injuries and other types of injuries. For more information about how our firm can assist with your case, please contact us at 214-726-0016 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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